Even if you care about a cause, how can you ensure you’re a good fit for the position? Here are some ideas to help you find the right fit for volunteering.

Valentine’s Day can be more than just romantic love, but true, kind, caring love for your neighbors and those in need. How can you lead a more altruistic life this week?

Black History Month is a time to remember, celebrate and commemorate the achievements and contributions by African-American men and women throughout U.S. history.

It’s true: with a lack of Vitamin D and little time spent outdoors, the winter months can literally make you sad. Luckily, we have some ways to combat seasonal depression.

How can we as individuals commemorate Dr. King’s life, and further continue his legacy? Here are some ideas to get started and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Not sure if donating blood is the right decision for you? Check out all the answers to your questions here, and help give life this January.

There are a variety of different ways to be more charitable without spending money. Here are some ideas to try.

If you want to be sure your New Year’s resolutions really stick for 2025, check out these useful tips on how to keep the habit hopeful.

Check out this unique spin on 12 ways you can show you care this holiday season.

This season, be a part of the merriment by giving back through these four fun festive ways to spread holiday cheer.

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  • For the past 40 years, the Nebraska Indian Community College has been and remains dedicated to planting the seeds of knowledge through unique and culturally relevant educational experiences. These experiences are geared toward all Umonhon(Omaha), Isanti (Santee Dakota), and other learners attending classes at one of our three campuses. NICC is open to all who are willing to enhance and improve their lives.