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Peak Proposal Prowess – A Primer for SF330 Production (3-Part Series)

Tuesday, July 12, 202212:00 pmThursday, July 14, 20221:30 pm

(Free for PEDCO PTAC clients - contact Darren Osborne for more details)

Under the Brooks Act, architecture and engineering services (A-E Services) must be procured
through a qualifications-based process for agencies to select the most highly qualified firms –
not the lowest price.

Since 2004, A-E firms submit their qualifications on the Standard Form 330 (SF330) for federal government agencies (and some state and local agencies). The SF330 form is designed to demonstrate a firm’s competence and qualifications to perform the work required by the government.

Developing SF330 responses to government solicitations is part art and part process. In this 3-
part training we’ll dissect the best practices and the proven process to prepare detailed and responsive SF330s while letting your creativity and brand come through. Using real-world feedback from Government reviewers, we’ll present a step-by-step discussion of each SF330 section, emphasizing key success factors to ensure the entire submission highlights your firm’s personnel and past performance to help you rise to the top.

Here’s what you will learn:

Webinar 1 – An Overview of the SF330 and Standard Best Practices for Part I and Part II
(60 minutes)

SF330 evolution from the SF254/255
Trends today
Critical success factors
How agencies evaluate the forms
Overview of Part I
Overview of Part II
SF330 Preparation Checklist
Data calls to support your win themes
Webinar 2 – Preparing your SF330 Response; Part I Sections A-G (90 Minutes)

Sections A and B – Stick to the facts
Section C – Maximize your team
Section D – Organizational Charts that display success
Section E – Show your professional qualifications
Section F – Demonstrate specialized experience
Section G – Relationship status
Webinar 3 – Preparing your SF330 Response; Part I Section H, Part II, and Final Quality
Control (90 Minutes)

Section H
Dissecting the solicitation
Outlining and storyboarding each required factor
Part II – required information and alignment with Sections C, E, and F
SF330 QC Checklist
Target Audience: Architecture and engineering firms required to submit their qualifications on the Standard Form 330 (SF330)

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