Success Stories

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Client: Green Arrow Enterprises, Inc.

Purchasing Department:               Department of the Interior

Purchasing Sub-Agency:               Bureau of Land Management

Date of Award:                                 June 29, 2020

Total Award Amount:                    $19,890.00

Requisition Type:                            Micropurchase



Green Arrow Enterprises, Inc. (Green Arrow) is a Native Indian owned small business, situated in Auburn Hills, MI. With no prior Federal Government contracting experience, Wayne Montour (President, Green Arrow) contacted the PEDCO PTAC in March of 2020 to seek assistance in formulating a plan to explore selling opportunities in the Federal marketplace. Green Arrow is primarily a general staffing company, but Mr. Montour quickly adjusted to changing market conditions at the time and, through a network of contacts in the healthcare supply industry, diversified his business to include the distribution of N95 masks, sanitary wipes, and other products for which demand was driven by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.


Green Arrow faced the initial challenge of not having prior selling experience in the Federal marketplace. Through PEDCO PTAC, Green Arrow registered for SAM, submitted an 8(a) application to the Small Business Administration (in process), was set up for a bid match, and completed a capability statement. In learning through PEDCO PTAC of opportunities related to the provision of COVID-19 protective equipment, Green Arrow worked with PEDCO PTAC to formulate an additional capability statement with a focus on the distribution of COVID-19 related protective equipment. PEDCO PTAC then adjusted Green Arrow’s bid match to include such opportunities. Green Arrow subsequently identified a need on the part of the Bureau of Land Management (Department of Interior) for sanitary disinfectant wipes.


Upon becoming aware of a micropurchase opportunity through the Department of Interior (Bureau of Land Management), Green Arrow confirmed its ability with its suppliers to satisfy a request for the provision of packages of disinfecting wipes. Satisfied that it could meet this need, Green Arrow submitted (with guidance from PEDCO PTAC) a bid for the supply of 7650 packs of disinfecting wipes. This amount fell below the micropurchase threshold of $20,000.


On June 29, 2020, Green Arrow received the micropurchase award for the supply of 7650 packages of disinfectant wipes to the Bureau of Land Management, a contract valued at $19,890. This contract was particularly important to Green Arrow as it marked Green Arrow’s successful entry into the Federal marketeplace. This is a remarkable accomplishment – Green Arrow secured its first Federal contract within less than 4 months! Green Arrow continues to pursue government contracts at all levels related to both staffing and sanitary supply distribution, and is confident that it will build upon the success of this initial contract.

Partner Recognitions

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  • For the past 40 years, the Nebraska Indian Community College has been and remains dedicated to planting the seeds of knowledge through unique and culturally relevant educational experiences. These experiences are geared toward all Umonhon(Omaha), Isanti (Santee Dakota), and other learners attending classes at one of our three campuses. NICC is open to all who are willing to enhance and improve their lives.