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Small Business Subcontracting Plans: What SBLOs Need to Know

Thursday, May 16, 2024
12:00 pm1:30 pm

When a federal prime contractor is classified as “other than small,” the prime contractor is often responsible for preparing and carrying out a small business subcontracting plan under FAR 19.7 and other applicable laws. For Small Business Liaison Officers (SBLOs), it is critical to understand what is required for compliant subcontracting plans.

This training provides an overview of the key components SBLOs should know and understand about small business subcontracting plans. SBLOs will learn when subcontracting plans are required, how to find and identify eligible subcontractors, what elements must be included in subcontracting plans, and much more. Additionally, the course will cover common oversights and mistakes made by prime contractors in connection with establishing and implementing small business subcontracting plans.

Specifically, this training will cover the following topics:

Understand when a small business subcontracting plan is required for a federal prime contractor.
Recognize the differences between an individual subcontracting plan, a master subcontracting plan, and a commercial subcontracting plan and when each may be used.
Understand the categories of small businesses covered by a subcontracting plan and how the prime can find eligible companies in each category.
Know the required elements of a compliant small business subcontracting plan.
Understand the potential penalties associated with failing to comply with subcontracting plan requirements.
Recognize and learn to avoid common oversights and pitfalls associated with small business subcontracting plans.
Target Audience: “Other than small” businesses subject to the FAR’s subcontracting plan requirements; APEX Accelerator counselors

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  • For the past 40 years, the Nebraska Indian Community College has been and remains dedicated to planting the seeds of knowledge through unique and culturally relevant educational experiences. These experiences are geared toward all Umonhon(Omaha), Isanti (Santee Dakota), and other learners attending classes at one of our three campuses. NICC is open to all who are willing to enhance and improve their lives.