Understanding the Domestic Preference Statutes: The Buy American Act and Trade Agreements Act (2022 Update)
*Free access for PEDCO PTAC clients - contact Darren Osborne for details)
Two domestic preference statutes dominate federal government contracting: the Buy American Act and the Trade Agreements Act. These statutes, and the FAR’s implementing provisions, dictate how contractors can source the goods (and sometimes services) they furnish to the federal government.
In this webinar, the government contracts attorney John Mattox (Schoonover & Moriarty LLC) will cover both statutes through a regulatory overview, explanations of key concepts, and examples to drive understanding. You will also learn about the recent regulatory changes that further entrench the Buy American Act in the federal contracting sphere.
Target Audience: This webinar is aimed at all federal contractors who provide goods and supplies to the federal government.