Balancing Credit and Debt


This package contains 8 items:

Take Control of Your Credit Tutorial: Description: This tutorial will help you assess your personal credit situation and update your financial plan with action steps and goals relating to this important part of your financial life. Over time, your credit score can become one of your best financial assets.

Basic Strategies for Repairing Credit-Ebook: Description: Without good credit it can be difficult to buy a home or vehicle, secure a loan, or even obtain a job. This article discusses the importance of good credit and offers basic strategies for building or repairing it.

Learn about Credit Card Fraud-Article: Description: In this article you'll learn about what credit card fraud is, how it can impact your life, and what steps you can take to avoid it.

Manage Your Debt Wisely Tutorial: Description: Debt is neither good nor bad. It can become a big deal, however, if it gets out of control. It can damage your credit, make landlords avoid renting to you—and it takes a long time to get debt off your record. In this tutorial, you’ll learn about loans and strategies to manage debt. Building your knowledge of debt is not only in your best interest today, it can eliminate headaches down the road.

Are You Over-Indebted?-Article: Description: Over-indebtedness is the state of owing more than you can pay. This article looks at over-indebtedness in the United States and the factors that contribute to it, and can help you to determine if you’re affected by it.

Loan Consolidation 101-Article: Description: Loan consolidation can serve as a helpful step in simplifying one’s finances. However, consolidation is not always ideal, and there are several factors to weigh when considering it as an option. This article covers what debt consolidation is and can begin to help you decide if it’s right for you.

Loans: Learn the Basics-Article: Description: This article provides an overview of what a loan is, the different kinds of loans available, how they work, and more.

Reducing Household Debt-Article: Description: This article covers what household debt is, why it’s on the rise, and offers basic, helpful strategies for reducing it.

Quantity Price Subtotal
1 $25.00 $25.00
1 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.

Money Management and Investing


This package contains 11 items:

Find the Best Bank Account for You-Article: Description: When opening a bank account, you should consider which type of account best meets your needs. This article outlines the most common types of bank accounts, discusses their advantages and disadvantages, and offers advice on deciding which type of account is best for you.

Money Management Basics Tutorial: Description: This tutorial offers adults a primer on money management and financial planning. You’ll learn to asses and analyze your current financial situation, develop short and long-term financial goals, establish and implement a sound financial plan, and more.

Personal Financial Planner: Description: This personal financial plan template will help you outline decisions as you learn and grow your knowledge about money. It is intended to help you start thinking about your finances and plan for a bright future.

The Importance of Emergency Funds: Description: Even though many people find setting aside money difficult—especially during times when the cost of living is ever increasing—experts urge everyone to save some money every month for an emergency fund. This article discusses why having emergency funds are important and offers helpful advice on starting to save emergency funds of your own.

Tips for Budgeting: Description: A budget can be used to set short- and long-term goals, to track spending and income, to make spending and career decisions, and to respond to emergencies and unexpected expenses. This article covers what a budget is (and isn’t) and offers helpful advice on how to get started creating one to suit your needs.

Understanding Bank Fees: Description: Confused about bank fees? This article offers a brief overview of today’s most common bank fees, so you can get a clearer picture of what they are and how to best limit them.

Investing for Today and Tomorrow Tutorial: In this tutorial, you'll learn about various investments like stocks and bonds, how to assess your tolerance for risk, and practical strategies and tips to get started planning for retirement.

Investing for Today and Tomorrow Tutorial: In this tutorial, you'll learn about various investments like stocks and bonds, how to assess your tolerance for risk, and practical strategies and tips to get started planning for retirement.

Is a 401(k) Right for You?: The 401(k) is one of the most popular employer-sponsored retirement plans in the United States. This article takes you through what a 401(k) is, how they work, and their benefits and limitations.

Learn about Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs): An IRA is a type of investment account used to save for retirement. This article discusses the different types of IRAs available and the advantages and disadvantages of each, so you can start thinking about whether an IRA is right for you.

Learn about Roth IRAs: A Roth IRA is a specific type of retirement savings account designed to generate investment revenues and to withdraw tax-free income in retirement. This article provides an overview of Roth IRAs and how they differ from traditional IRAs.

Quantity Price Subtotal
1 $25.00 $25.00
1 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.

Insurance, Benefits, and Taxes


This package contains 7 items:

Learn about RRSPs: An RRSP is a savings plans purchased by individuals, registered by the Canadian government, and overseen by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). This article takes you through what a RRSP is, how they work, and their benefits and limitations.

Avoiding Insurance Mistakes-Article: Description: One of the primary mistakes that consumers make when purchasing insurance is not comparing different options before signing a contract. This article discusses the different types of insurance out there and how to choose the best one for your budget and needs.

Introduction to Insurance, Benefits, and Taxes Tutorial: Description: This article provides an overview of what disability insurance is, who is often covered, the factors that influence the benefits and cost of insurance, and more.

Learn About Disability Insurance-Article: Description: This article provides an overview of what disability insurance is, who is often covered, the factors that influence the benefits and cost of insurance, and more.

Learn About Tax Deductions and Credits-Article: Description: This helpful article provides an overview of the most common tax deductions and credits available to help lower your taxes.

Tax Preparation Basics: Description: Preparing to file a tax return can seem complicated, especially for those who choose to file themselves. In this article you'll find several steps that you can take throughout the year to ensure that the process is conducted as smoothly and accurately as possible.

Understanding Life Insurance-Article: Description: This article discusses the different types of life insurance policies available and the advantages and disadvantages of each, so you can start thinking about whether life insurance is right for you.

Quantity Price Subtotal
1 $25.00 $25.00
1 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.

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